Hello to all, I'm new in this forum and I'm a student of Civil Engineering, I'm writing my last elaborate, the graduation thesis.
Sorry for my easy questions but I'm a beginner.
I have to build a IMU platform integrated with a GPS sensor, and a barometer + sensor of temperature for the positioning in-door, for example in galleries and undergrowth.
I have seen a integrate platform with many sensors but I want to assemble many sensors that I choose, linking these to Arduino.
So my question is: does Arduino supports many sensors? Is Arduino input ports serial ports or I2C protocol? So can I link all sensors to Arduino input and then I query these one at a time with the their ID?
An example of sensors that I want to link is this:
Tri-Axis Gyro Breakout - L3G4200D
or this:
9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU
Or can I make this without Arduino, linking all sensors togheter with another board?
Thanks to any answer.